It took me a bit to get it up and running, it is run through a DOS command line so that is what threw me for a loop. Installation went smooth.
For some reason when I saved the OBJ and tired to open it in Maya it was giving me problems, wouldn't load.
So I opened the OBJ in ZBrush. I then used the Auto Groups in the Polygroups section. Then I held down Ctrl + Shift and clicked on the main surface/polygroup. This hides all the outer pieces that are not connected to anything. Then I used the "Delete Hidden" in the geometry section of the tool area. Then I re-save out the OBJ and I am good to go. I was also playing with claypolish in the geometry section. This gets rid of the surface noise, if you make a layer first and then do the clayPolish then you can dial back the polish by lowering the opacity of your 3D layer.
Very cool tool that you all have made. I want to do a full body in one shot. For now I will scan volumes and then splice the models together in ZBrush or Maya and use them as 3D templates.
Is there a way to get a color map on the model during scan time? If there is I'm not clear on how to do that yet.
Raw Scan
With ClayPolish
Very cool technology.
If you've got a camera you may want to try using this: (made by autodesk)
Joseph Drust has a tutorial on the zbrush forums that takes you through the process of capturing something, retopo, and reprojecting a model. It works amazing and you get great results, including texture.
also if you use meshlab you should be able to align and merge the different views
This is really good .
Seven Koncepts
the next release of ReconstructMe will have automatic volume stitching. You just press a button to start a new volume, and they will be automatically aligned.
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